Storage Charges
Corn Beans
Open storage minimum: 20 cents 22 cents
Warehouse receipt minimum: 20 cents 22 cents
Minimum storage charge runs through January 1, 2025 Monthly charges start January 1, 20245 and continue through August 31, 2025 Corn and beans monthly charge: corn 3 cents beans 4 cents per month prorated daily.
Grain that is not sold 10 days after completion of a field (or lack of activity on a field) will be placed into storage, and have storage charges assessed to those bushels.
Bushels in open storage on August 1, 2025, will be subject to a minimum storage of .25 cents. There is no more storage on these bushels until January 1st 2026.
Price Later Service Charges:
Corn: 18 cents per bushel per month through January 1, 2025 then 3 cents per bushel per month prorated
Beans: 20 cents per bushel per month through January 1, 2025 then 4 cents per bushel per month prorated
Shrink Factors:
Corn Shrink Factor: 1.4% per point of moisture removed; Open storage and warehouse receipt corn: drying to 15.0% shrink to 14%; Price later contracts and cash: drying to 15.0% shrink to 15.0%.
Bean Shrink Factor: 3.0% per point of moisture removed from 13.1% to 15.0%; 6% per point of moisture removed above 15.0%.
Corn Drying Rates:
15.1 - 16.0 = 5 cents 20.1 - 21.0 = 27 cents
16.1 - 17.0 = 10 cents 21.1 - 22.0 = 29 cents
17.1 - 18.0 = 15 cents 22.1 - 23.0 = 31 cents
18.1 - 19.0 = 20 cents 23.1 - 24.0 = 33 cents
19.1 - 20.0 = 25 cents 24.1 - 25.0 = 35 cents
2 cents per point above 25%
Storage charges will be deducted from grain checks unless the customer requests to be billed.